Information for incoming FAU students about enrolling in FAU and USP disciplines.
Incoming students, after arriving at FAUUSP, must enroll in the subjects they wish to take during the semester.
To enroll, it is important to read the information below to avoid any problems during the exchange at FAUUSP.
Guide: How to search for disciplines offered in the semester
Enrollment cannot be completed if there is a time conflict between the desired disciplines. To check that there is no conflict, use the MatrUSP platform.
FAU disciplines are taught in Portuguese.
The disciplines of the FAU (which are administered by the FAU) are only those whose acronym (or code) begins with: AUH , AUT , AUP , 160 , 161 .
(acronym/code) – (discipline name)
AUT0512 – Desenho Arquitetônico
AUP2430 – Introdução ao Projeto de Produto
1601111 – Território, Conflitos e Participação
1610043 – Design Audiovisual: Animação e Artes do Video
In addition, they are divided into MANDATORY disciplines (that is, FAU offers that subject annually) and OPTIONAL disciplines (that is, the offering of this subject depends on the availability of professors and classroom, therefore, the student must check during the registration period if that subject will be offered that semester).
MANDATORY disciplines have their initials finalized in even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8).
OPTIONAL disciplines have their acronym finalized in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9).
FAU Disciplines grid
FAUUSP’s academic calendar is divided into semesters, so the disciplines last one semester.
Each semester the offer of disciplines changes. We suggest that the student see in the link below how the FAU disciplines are allocated on a semester basis. (we remind you that for OPTIONAL disciplines the offer may vary, so it is only possible to guarantee the offer of these subjects when the enrollment period is open)
Guide: How to search for disciplines offered in the semester
Guide – Enrollment Incoming (1st 2025)
USP Credit
Crédito-Aula (CA): Activities related to theoretical classes, seminars and practical classes have their value determined in “class credits”. Each class credit corresponds to 15 class hours.
Crédito-Trabalho (CT): refers to research planning, execution and evaluation activities; field work, excursions scheduled by the Department, etc.; The value of the “work credit” corresponds to 30 hours.
As USP does not follow the ECTS credits format, it is fundamental for the student to talk to their home institution to verify the equivalence of the credits.
Enrollment – 1st semester of 2025 (February – July / 2025)
Date: 10 to 14/March/2025
Hours: 8:30am to 10:30am and 2pm to 5pm
Mode: face-to-face
Location: Serviço de Graduação – FAUUSP
Important enrollment information!
Guide – Enrollment Incoming (1st 2025)
Disciplines that appear in the FAU grid, but start with the acronyms: CCA , CRP , CTR , must follow the procedures below.
ECA is USP’s School of Communication and Arts and it is very common for FAU students to be interested in taking some ECA disciplines during their exchange.
For this reason, we provide here some essential information so that the student can enroll in ECA.
List of ECA courses:
Enrollment – 1st semester of 2025
Students interested in taking a course at ECA should attend the CRINT/ECA office between the 24th to 28th February.
Between these days, forms for discipline request will be made available to students from other USP Units who wish to study at ECA (without the form, students will not be able to attend classes for the semester).
With this document in hand, they will be able to attend the ECA disciplines between the 24th February and 28th March, consulting the responsible professors about the authorization for them to be enrolled and attend classes.
Until 28th March, students must go to the CRInt/ECA office to return the duly completed forms.
10 vacancies will be made available for each USP Unit and students will be able to attend only 2 ECA disciplines.
Disciplines that appear in the FAU grid, but start with the acronyms: PEF , PTR , PCC , must follow the procedures below.
EP (or Poli) is the Polytechnic School of USP and it is very common for FAU students to be interested in taking some disciplines at Poli during their exchange.
For this reason, we provide here some essential information so that the student can enroll in Poli.
List of Poli courses:
Enrollment – 1st semester of 2025
The request for enrollment in Poli disciplines for exchange students must be requested via email ( and and the following documents must be submitted:
The deadline for submitting registration requests is 20th March!
Enrollment Procedure
Enrollment will be done online on CCINT-FFLCH website. The day before the process, the FFLCH International Office will send an email to the interested student with a detailed tutorial on the procedures. To ensure receipt, they ask that the following information be sent by email to
Enrollment Dates
Exchange students from other units: March 20
Important information from FFLCH
Contact the FFLCH USP International Office
International Office
Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences
University of São Paulo
Rua do Lago, 717, sala 130 – Cidade Universitária
05508-080 – São Paulo – SP Brasil
Tel/Fax: 55 11 3091-3572 ou 55 11 3091 4622
Send your case for the FAU International Office so we can try to help you.
If you are interested in taking disciplines from other units, send your request by email, indicating the discipline and class of interest.
We will contact the unit that administers the discipline.
Deadline for submitting the request: during the first week of classes.
FAU International Office
E-mail contact
FAU International Office
Profa. Priscila Lena Farias
Prof. Gustavo Curcio
Service team
Fernanda Samie Shoshi
Head of Academic Support Section
+55 11 3091-1576
Maria Vilani Cezar
+55 11 3091-1575
Rodrigo Gonçalves Winther
+55 11 3091-4685
Working Hours
Monday to Friday: 09h to 18h