Incoming Students – Application

Exchange at FAUUSP

Deadline for Nomination and Application
Classes in the 1st semester (February – June)
Nomination: 01 Ago – 05 Oct
Application: until 15 Oct – online registration
Classes in the 2nd semester (August – December)
Nomination: 01 Mar – 05 May
Application: until 15 May – online registration



To apply for an exchange student at FAU, the home institution must make her / him NOMINATION.

For Institutions that have a direct agreement with FAU, the Nomination is through the following link:

For Institutions that have an agreement only with USP, the Nomination is through the Mundus system:

Having been NOMINATED by her / him home institution, the exchange student will receive an email with instructions to complete their application to Mundus. It is the student’s duty to provide the necessary documentation.

Note: Acceptance is subject to the number of students interested in doing an exchange at FAU in that semester. In case of many applications (above what we can receive) we give priority to institutions that have a direct agreement with FAUUSP, in order to respect the balance of sending and receiving students between schools. And in these cases we can limit between 1 or 2 students from institutions that do not have an agreement with the FAU.


Up to 2 business days after the student’s nomination is sent by the Student’s home school, our International Office will register the student in the USP system and the student will receive a link at the e-mail address provided to complete their application in the MUNDUS System.

Necessary documents

A digital – and readable – copy of the following documents will be required for application at Mundus:

Documents requested in the application step for upload to Mundus:

  1. Transcript of Records (of the current course): versions in English, Spanish and Portuguese are accepted. Otherwise, it must be sent along with a simple translation into Portuguese;
  2. Learning Agreement (USP Draft: ) signed and stamped by person who has the authority to approve the mobility programme of exchange students;
  3. Passport (bio-date page): It must be valid for the period of exchange at USP;
  4. Photo in “.jpg” format (50Kb at the largest): photo that shows the person’s face directly facing the camera;
  5. Recommendation letter (optional): issued by an academic authority at the home university (in Portuguese, English or Spanish ). A one or two-page letter on which the academic explains his/her relationship with the student and recommends their admission.
  6. Health insurance: it is mandatory during the exchange period in Brazil. If the student is unable to take out the insurance at the time of application, he / she can forward the proof after the application period.

Attention 1: All documents in pdf format smaller than 1Mb

Attention 2: When selecting the disciplines for Leaning Agreement DOES NOT MEAN ENROLLMENT IN THESE COURSES!
The calendar with the offer of courses for the semester will be released later to the students selected for exchange. For this reason, we ask that, at the time of application, we instruct students to choose only the “mandatory” subjects, according to the program below:

Architecture and Urbanism:


Acceptance Letter

The analysis of the submitted documents will be carried out AFTER the end of the application period.

Therefore, the letter of acceptance will be forwarded within one month after the application deadline.

Important: acceptance letters are sent only by email.


Foreign students (non-Brazilians) must provide the appropriate visa to enter Brazilian territory:

Visto Temporário IV – Visto de Estudante

If it is necessary to send the letter of acceptance directly to the Brazilian consulate, the student must contact our international office, informing which email address the letter should be sent.

The student should look for the nearest Brazilian consulate to obtain information about the procedures to obtain the correct visa.

Obs.: For Brazilians (born or naturalized), a visa is not required to enter Brazilian territory.


FAU International Office
E-mail contact

FAU International Office

Profa. Priscila Lena Farias

Prof. Gustavo Curcio

Service team

Fernanda Samie Shoshi
Head of Academic Support Section
+55 11 3091-1576

Maria Vilani Cezar
+55 11 3091-1575

Rodrigo Gonçalves Winther
+55 11 3091-4685

Working Hours
Monday to Friday: 09h to 18h